You've found Justin Ling's web portal

I'm a freelance investigative journalist, covering: Privacy, security, foreign policy, politics, law, defence, and where all those things meet. I hosted The Village, The Flamethrowers, and wrote Missing From the Village.

Subscribe to my substack: Bug-eyed and Shameless

I'm based in Montreal, mostly, and I'm big on privacy. So if you want to get in touch, there's lots of ways.

My Signal username is: JustinLing.42

This is a secure email, encrypted and hosted in Switzerland, meaning law enforcement will have difficulty in obtaining anything in my inbox: hello at justinling dot ca

If you are reaching out with a tip, I will not publish your name or identity without explicit permission.

This is my PGP Key and a and here is a guide to PGP if you're unfamiliar or confused.

I do speaking gigs. Email to find out more.

I write regularly for WIRED, Foreign Policy, and other great publications. You can find some things I've written on MuckRack.

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