You've found Justin Ling's web portal
I'm a freelance investigative journalist, covering: Privacy, security, foreign policy, politics, law, defence, and where all those things meet. I hosted The Village, The Flamethrowers, and wrote Missing From the Village.
I'm based in Montreal, mostly, and I'm big on privacy. So if you want to get in touch, there's lots of ways.
My Signal username is: JustinLing.42
This is a secure email, encrypted and hosted in Switzerland, meaning law enforcement will have difficulty in obtaining anything in my inbox: hello at justinling dot ca
If you are reaching out with a tip, I will not publish your name or identity without explicit permission.
I do speaking gigs. Email to find out more.
I write regularly for WIRED, Foreign Policy, and other great publications. You can find some things I've written on MuckRack.
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